How to Build a Respectful Workplace Culture You Can Be Proud Of!

Hi everyone!

Disrespect May Be Causing You to Lose Out on Keeping Good People!

The Toxic Five Culture Attributes

“MIT Sloan Management studied more than 1.3 million Glassdoor reviews from U.S. employees of Culture 500 companies, (a sample of large organizations from 40 industries).

Five attributes – disrespectful, non-inclusive, unethical, cutthroat, and abusive– had by far the largest negative impact on how employees rated their company’s culture in the Glassdoor reviews and contributed most to employee attrition during the Great Resignation.”

So how do you address issues of disrespect that lead employees to disengage and leave … and focus instead on the journey of building a respectful workplace culture you’re proud of?

In Australia, some organisations have rolled out Respectful Workplace Behaviour training across the board based on the changes to the Respect at Work legislation (encompassing Bullying / Harassment and Discrimination).

Others have rolled out the Psychosocial changes made last year along with the Sexual Harassment changes.

From a legislative point of view, it’s all connected.

The point is …

Respect isn’t just about workplace behaviour training that creates awareness about bullying, harassment and discrimination.

Respect isn’t just about following policies and procedures to process disrespectful behaviour and meet compliance standards.

Respect is proactively demonstrating you care about your team members’ mental health and well-being by creating a healthy environment where everyone feels safe, supported, included and empowered to do their best work.

By prioritising respect, you’re sending a message that you value your team.

People want to stay with an organisation that values them.

The best enabler of a more positive, inclusive workplace environment is a respectful workplace culture in which everyone feels respected, they show respect for others, and everyone is proud to be part of it!

5 Key Benefits of a Respectful Workplace Culture

  1. INCREASED CONNECTION at an emotional level so team members feel safe and are more comfortable having open, honest and meaningful conversations.

  2. IMPROVED TEAM PERFORMANCE through greater alignment, increased productivity and outcomes using proactive language tools and growth mindsets

  3. HIGHER LEVELS OF TRUST through increased transparency, flourishing relationships, shared understanding, mutual success and shared responsibility.

  4. INCREASED RETENTION through team members feeling their efforts are appreciated, knowing their contributions are valued, and experiencing a sense of pride and job satisfaction.

  5. GREATER PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY by fostering inclusion and belonging, eliminating harmful behaviours and Creating WE through intentional conversational activity.

So the question becomes … HOW do you build a respectful workplace culture you can be proud of and keep good people?

‘Respect is an active process of nonjudgmentally engaging people from diverse backgrounds with the intent to create a positive work environment.’

Everyday Respect is built moment by moment through RESPECTFUL CONVERSATIONS steeped in the NEW Model of RESPECT:


Respectful Conversations based on brain science create shifts in the brain’s ability to change, grow and innovate with others.

The bottom line is … if you want to build a respectful workplace culture you’re proud of … let’s talk.

PS: Whenever you’re ready here are 3 ways I can help you build your respectful workplace culture – faster…

1.   Sign up to my LinkedIn Newsletter and receive my tips and insights every week, it’s easy – hit the SUBSCRIBE button.

2.   Find out about our CONNECT with R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Quick Start workshop for your team and Coaching Programs for your leaders and managers – book a chat to find out more HERE

3. Speak to me directly and let’s map out a plan with a roadmap for your team.

Respectful Workplace Insights is a weekly newsletter I am publishing on LinkedIn to highlight some of the things that get in the way of creating a respectful workplace culture. Eliminating disrespectful, unproductive and depleting conversations and behaviours that are getting in the way of building respectful alignment, trust, psychological safety and performance is where we start.

Each week I’ll offer tips on how to do that so you can create a respectful workplace culture where everyone feels safe and included.

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